7:00 PM
Temescal Arts Center
511 48th Street
Oakland, CA, USA
The Black Cedar Trio brings “Virtuosity Defined” to the Temescal Arts Center, with music of Bach, Paganini, Piazzolla, and Chile’s Javier Contreras. The artistry of these works will deliver food for the soul, and their technical brilliance will deliver candy for the ears. Black Cedar is proud to offer complimentary h’ordeuvres and handcrafted wines from St. Jorge Winery of Lodi for all concert attendees on this concert tour.
Trio Sonata in C Minor from Musical Offering by Johann Sebastian Bach
Terzetto in D Major, M. S. 69 by Nicolò Paganini
Oblivion by Astor Piazzolla
Tres Colores (2018) by Javier Contreras, commissioned by The Black Cedar Trio